Thursday, February 24, 2011

Going Away For a Little While

Hey everyone,

I am going to be gone from the artwork for a little while. My external hard drive that has all my files on it is acting up and I am going to be spending about a week or two either redownloading most of my stuff or trying to move things over to another hard drive. The upside is that the characters Randy and Alison are not lost like I orginally feared. The drive is acting weird because if the files are arranged in alphabetical order then not everything shows up it only goes to a certain letter and stops if the files are arranged in order by modify then it will show everything. My biggest concern is getting all the free stuff that I have downloaded again. The paid stuff will be easy because they are still listed on the sites I bought them from and most of them can be redownloaded easily. Wish me luck everyone. Hopefully I will be back soon with nary a hiccup. Some files might be lost but they will probably stuff that I don't use a lot.

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